When photography brings the past back to life.

Ancient ruins return to the limelight at the Lugdunum Museum, from the 1st of December to the 3rd of March.

 Archives | Last updated date : 05/03/2019

What remains of the magnificence of ancient monuments?
Black and white photography brings out the very essence of architecture and reveals its power. More than just ruins, we are shown a testament to the greats of antiquity, who sought to leave an indelible mark on history. These ruins are also an expression of their influence, which remains tangible centuries later.

These photographs create a link between the past, present and future. They evoke our roots, our societies and our shared memory. Architecture is never a ruin; it is a path that connects us with our history, which is very much alive and still carries the same message. All we need is to know how to look at it. Ferranti reveals what seems to have disappeared. Appearances can sometimes be deceptive: curious minds will not want to miss this amazing exhibition!

"L’esprit des ruines" (The spirit of ruins) runs alongside and echoes the exhibition ‘Claude’ (Claudius) at the Musée des Beaux-Arts (Museum of Fine Arts), where Ferranti is displaying photographs of Claudian monuments, in Rome and throughout the Empire. They accompany visitors along the exhibition trail, showing his personal perspective of the remains of antiquity

The Lugdunum Museum and the exhibition are included in the Lyon City Card 


Virginie comes from Corsica. "We can't all be born in Lyon…" as they say. But our lovely city is now under her skin (although her beloved island remains firmly anchored in her heart).

Lyon City Card
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