Residents and visitors: all the information you need to make the most of Lyon and your stay

Find information about the health pass, including establishments in the metropolitan area and discovery activities where you are required to present a pass.

What is the ‘health pass’?

From December 4th, any person aged 12 or more has to provide the result of a negative PCR or antigen test carried out less than 24 or 48 hours prior to departure, in order to enter France.
For more information, visit

The health pass has been mandatory for over 12s who want to access leisure facilities and cultural venues.

You must be able to present, either via the ‘TousAntiCovid’ app or on paper, one of the following:

  • A full vaccination certificate;
  • An antigen or RT-PCR test less than 24 hours old for activities and 24 to 48 hours at most for travel;
  • A positive RT-PCR test proving recovery from Covid-19, at least 11 days old and less than 6 months old.

Download ‘TousAntiCovid Verif’ on Google Play or App Store.

Find a vaccination centre or testing facilities near you.

Where will I need to present a health pass?

Here is a list of places that may require you to present a health pass:

  • Cafés and restaurants, including terraces;
  • Audition, conference, screening and meeting venues;
  • Marquees, tents and structures;
  • Concert and show venues;
  • Cinemas; 
  • Festivals (standing and seated);
  • Indoor and covered sports events;
  • Outdoor venues;
  • Amusement arcades, escape games, casinos;
  • Places of worship when they host cultural and not religious activities;
  • Fairs and trade shows;
  • Zoos, theme parks and circuses;
  • Museums and temporary exhibitions venues;
  • Libraries (except for university and specialised libraries);
  • Cultural events held in higher education establishments;
  • Funfairs with more than 30 stands or attractions;
  • Any even - cultural, sporting, recreational or festive - held in a public area and where it is possible to control people's access; 
  • Cruise ships and boats with accommodation; 
  • Discos, clubs and bars with dance floors (closed for 4 weeks, from 9 December 2021);
  • Hospitals, retirement homes ans establishments providing health and social cares (except in case of emergencies);
  • Travel for long journeys by air, rail and road. 

Access to tourist accommodation is not subject to the health pass, except for dining areas and gathering places.

The health pass for visitors from abroad

Since 9 June 2021, travel between France and other countries has been reopened, with varying conditions depending on the health situation in the countries involved and travellers’ vaccination status.

A classification of countries has been established on the basis of health indicators. It may be adapted according to changes in the epidemic situation.

On 1 July, the European health pass, also known as the ‘EU Digital Covid Certificate’, came into force in all member states, with a six-week transition period. From a legal standpoint, it is planned to remain in use until 30 June 2022.

For further information on the European health pass.

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