Château de Bagnols
Le Bourg 118 la Mairie - 69620 Bagnols
It seems that Château de Bagnols is unaffected by the passing of time. 2017 marks its 800th anniversary and it has lost none of its splendour!
Tucked away in the land of the Pierres Dorées (golden stones), in the heart of the Beaujolais wine region, behind the moat and towers of a château listed as a national historical monument, lies a five-star hotel, a spa and gastronomic restaurant.
The menu, signed by the 2-star chef and MOF 2004 Stéphane Buron, changes regularly according to the seasons and inspirations. Chef Laurent Bonnarens succeeds in blending terroir and modernity with his cuisine, to be enjoyed on the panoramic terrace or in the grandiose Salle des Gardes, for a meeting between a sensational setting and a cuisine full of grace!
Rising with a smile on her face in the morning, always curious and enthusiastic to discover new places (and new dishes) in Lyon, Camille is what the specialists refer to as a « compulsive tester ». More partial to savoury than sweet (even though offering her a praluline – a delicious brioche filled with pralines – is a sure-fire way to get in her good books), Camille devotes herself body and soul to testing new food establishments in Lyon. Her radar for new addresses is legendary.
Le Bourg 118 la Mairie - 69620 Bagnols
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