This is the most ambitious retrospective ever devoted to the artist.
From the 21st of September 2018 to the 6th of January 2019, at MAC Lyon, explore a remarkable and previously unseen ensemble of more than 170 artworks of Bernar Venet, from the very last creations to the first performances, drawings, diagrams, paintings, photographs, sound works, films and sculptures.
A look back at 60 years of artistic creation by a multi-faceted, scientifically-minded artist, ranging from his first performances, paintings, drawings and diagrams to his last photographs, videos, sculptures and films.
Indeterminate lines, steel, tar, coal, monochromes, collapsed arcs, mathematical painting…
This exhibition adopts a unique, global approach to his body of work, knowledge of which is often too fragmented.
It offers a better understanding of the 170 works exhibited, in all of their complexity, poetry and extent, as well as their coherency, since they are presented in their sociological, artistic and historical context.*
This exhibition is recognized as being of National Interest by the Ministère de la Culture/Direction générale des patrimoines/Service des musées de France.
Admission to the Museum of Contemporay Art and its exhibition is included in the Lyon City Card.
Isabelle, our editor born and bred in Lyon! She was born in Sainte-Foy-lès-Lyon in fact, studied in Lyon and now lives here. Territorial? Absolutely not! She loves travelling, widening her horizons, meeting new people and enjoys a change of scenery (without snow, if possible). Isabelle is curious and a people person, two attributes that often go hand in hand! Her favourite colour is green and her motto "a day without laughter is a day wasted!"