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Join us!

Last updated date : 05/07/2024


Our job offers are currently available (in French) on this page: Emploi et Stages

To send in an open application, Please send your application, CV and Cover letter by email only to:  

Civic Service

Our job offers are currently available (in French) on this page: Emploi et Stages 

Please send your application, CV and Cover letter by email only to:  

Internship offers

Our job offers are currently available (in French) on this page: Emploi et Stages

For any unsolicited application: Please send your CV and cover letter by email only to  

Public offers

 Our offers are available on


Lyon City Card
Culture and leisure pass

Lyon City Card

The essential pass to cultural activities in Lyon: museums, guided tours, boat cruises and more!.

Visiter Lyon
Start exploring the city with

Leisure cruise, guided tours, wine tours, etc.
