Between the Rhône and Saône
At the foot of the Croix-Rousse hill and in the heart of the Presqu’île, between the Rhône and Saône, the neighborhoods offer you beautiful walks around many emblematic monuments of the city. City Hall, Opera, Museum of Fine Arts... but also great shopping escapades between the Village des Créateurs and the shopping streets of the districts.
Traboule 20 rue Imbert Colomès - 55 rue des Tables Claudiennes
Traboule in the continuity of the Voraces' court
Traboule 1 rue Sainte Marie des Terreaux - 6 rue des Capucins
Typical traboule hiding a huge yard
Traboule 6 Place des Terreaux - 12 Sainte Catherine
Traboule accessible from one of the largest and most beautiful squares of Lyon
Traboule 13 rue des Capucins - 14 rue René Leynaud
Historical traboule for its role in the Resistance
Traboule 25-27 rue Royale - 1 rue Violi
Traboule composed of a beautiful yard and a monumental staircase
Traboule 8 Petite rue des Feuillants - 19 Place Tolozan
A beautiful traboule composed of a double yard
Traboule 21 rue Royale - 11 Quai Lassagne
Traboule overlooking a very beautiful yard of 19th century
Traboule 3-5 rue Capucins - 6 rue René Leynaud
Traboule composed of two yards accessible by stairs
Lyon BD Festival
Le Collège Graphique
Past eventIn just a few years, Lyon comic book festival has become one of France’s stand-out “ninth art” events.
The Péristyle Festival
The Lyon Opera House
The Péristyle Festival takes over for the summer season. World music and Jazz-café at the Amphi of the Opera house.
Tout l’monde dehors!
Hôtel de Ville de Lyon
Every summer, "Tout l'monde dehors!" offers, in the 9 districts of Lyon, a multitude of free artistic events in the public space.
Connecting worlds
Fine Arts Museum
The Connecting Worlds exhibition presents a range of art forms, past and present, that know no borders or geographical limits.
Eglise Notre Dame Saint Vincent
It was built on the ruins of a former church from 1759 to 1789 by the Augustine monks, and then extended from 1860 to 1882. Listed as a historical...
Le Dadashop
New in Lyon, the Dadashop is already very much at home in our Collector hotspots!
Marché aux Bouquinistes - Marché aux Livres (book market)
Quai de la Pêcherie
Antique, modern and second-hand books, postcards, comic books, engravings, etc. Fill your library of original and found articles surveying the famous...
Mumbaï Café
Just a stone’s throw from Place des Terreaux, this outstanding establishment that is like no other in Lyon!