Our best spots to run in Lyon
How do the people of Lyon enjoy their many fine local specialities without a guilty conscience? Running! With its hills and rivers, Lyon’s topography...
Are you looking for places to exercise whenever you want? Greater Lyon has gone all out to offer freely accessible facilities. Discover the options available in Lyon and the metropolitan area.
Year after year, among the most popular resolutions on people’s lists, ‘do some exercise’ is invariably in the top three, along with ‘stop smoking’ and ‘eat more healthily’. Even if you already take online classes at home, there’s nothing like a bit of outdoor exercise. To help you meet your fitness challenges, here is a list of places where you can find freely accessible facilities. Explore them step by step!
Lyon has loads of sports grounds. There are generally several in each district. Ideal for daily physical recreation, these grounds often provide facilities for team sports, including basketball courts and football pitches, but you can also shoot some hoops or jog around the pitch to warm up. For Lyon proper, you can consult a list of sports grounds and their facilities on the City of Lyon’s website. For towns in the metropolitan area, you can contact the relevant town hall, which is always a good source of information. If you have just moved to a new area, there is nothing better than a walk around the neighbourhood to explore and find the sports ground closest to you!
It’s obviously more pleasant to go for a run in a park than on the street, and it’s even better when they’re well equipped for sports.
If you stroll along the banks of the Rhône, you may come across the ‘Soldats du Quai’ (Soldiers of the Banks), who impress passers-by with their muscular physiques and long series of press-ups. They perform street workouts or callisthenics. The idea is to build muscle using only apparatus and their own weight. These facilities are of course not reserved only for their use and you are welcome to have a go. There are several addresses:
If you’re looking for tables to play table tennis (which is a real sport, not just a game to enjoy with friends while having a drink), check out the very comprehensive map below.
Numerous courses supervised by professional fitness coaches are offered by the City of Lyon’s Sports Department in various locations, with different levels for different abilities. This is a great way to keep fit or get back in shape after the excesses of the festive season… For further information, or to book a session, visit the City of Lyon’s website.
Or download the city’s app Enform@Lyon! Select a course with audio-guide and your pace (walking, running or Nordic walking), and set off to explore the city’s heritage and get some exercise at the same time!
Download on iTunes / Download on Android
Last, but not least, the organisers of the night-time ultramarathon ‘SaintéLyon’ are offering a chance to take part in SaintéLyon Just in…Time. Using a smartphone, you can take on a personal challenge against the clock, with an audio-guide and timer, along the route of SaintéLyon 2020
With four options, from 10 to 74 km, using the app ‘Extracks’ and your virtual number, you can set off on any night in a one month period (dates to be defined, as soon as the curfew is lifted) to attempt your best time.
Give it a go! Get ready and, above all, stay motivated!
Virginie comes from Corsica. "We can't all be born in Lyon…" as they say. But our lovely city is now under her skin (although her beloved island remains firmly anchored in her heart).
How do the people of Lyon enjoy their many fine local specialities without a guilty conscience? Running! With its hills and rivers, Lyon’s topography...