Bibliothèque de la Cité wall painting
Angle rue de la Platière et quai de la Pécherie - 69001 Lyon 1er
400 m² painted wall. It shows an immense bookcase containing works by several hundred writers in different genres (novels, poetry, theatre, science fiction, detective novels, comic books, etc.) from Lyon and the Rhône-Alpes region.
Here we can read some extracts written by Louise Labé, Frédéric Dard, Jean Reverzy, Louis Calaferte, and the poet Roger Kowalski, among others.
Painted by the Cité de la Création in 1998.
Frederic Dard lived here for 10 years at 4 Rue Callas, Lyon 4th District. He was born in Bourgoin-Jailleu June 29th (1921) and died June, 6th (2000) in Bonnefontaine, Switzerland. His family moved to Lyon during the 1930’s where he become a reporter and wrote his first novel “San Antonio”.
Angle rue de la Platière et quai de la Pécherie - 69001 Lyon 1er
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