French Capital of Culture

Villeurbanne promised to bring us an exceptional year in 2022, in all of its neighbourhoods and with its residents from various backgrounds, particularly young people. All areas of culture, including art, science and heritage, has been highlighted through 700 events! 

Last updated date : 03/03/2023

Villeurbanne has always strived to make culture accessible to all, through its institutional, non-profit, academic and private stakeholders in the cultural sphere, such as the Théâtre National Populaire (TNP), the Maison du Livre de l’Image et du Son (media library), Ateliers Frappaz, the CCO (cultural centre), the IAC (contemporary art institute), the École Nationale de Musique (ENM), Ciné Zola, Pôle Pixel, Le Rize and Transbordeur, as well as its events, including Les Invites (street theatre and music festival) and Fête du Livre Jeunesse (youth literature festival), which involve local residents.

In addition, the La Doua university campus opens its doors to the public each year for the festivals Fête de la Science and Les 24 heures de l'INSA.
Did you know that 50% of Villeurbanne’s population is less than 30 years old? This is why Villeurbanne has decided to place its focus on young people in this exceptional year, by inviting them to play an active role in the creative process and designing events that are specially dedicated to them.

We were delighted to be embarking on a year full of creativity, openness, inclusion and culture for all.
The inauguration was held on the 7th of January with a huge celebration!

A whole host of events is on offer to whet your appetite.

Villeurbanne 2022, French Capital of Culture, is adopting two complementary approaches: a long-term programme of actions focussed on cultural education, planned to last beyond 2022, and a major cultural season formed of events mainly created with and for young people.

Highlights of Villeurbanne 2022

It would be difficult to choose between the 800 events on offer, including 4 major exhibitions, 30 festivals, 22 heritage routes and 300 shows, as well as concerts, films and performances. 

The official launch of Villeurbanne 2022 Capital of Culture

The tone was immediately set. The inaugural procession began with a performance by the Brazilian artist Lygia Pape, accompanied by men and women from Villeurbanne.
The IAC presented the work ‘Divisor’. This was followed by giant giraffes created by Compagnie Off, which took us on a poetic walk to Place Lazare Goujon, for an animal operetta  with an opera singer and young residents of Villeurbanne.
Compagnie KomplexKapharnaüm highlighted the words of children. 
For the kick-off of the Capital of Culture year, a DJ set kept the celebration going with dancing until 10 pm.This huge inauguration party was held on 7 January, from 5:30 to 10 pm.


  • Effets Spéciaux, crevez l’écran (Special effects: bursting through the screen), until 27 March 2022 at Pôle Pixel, offering a glimpse behind the scenes of film production.
  • Villeurbanne à hauteur d’enfants, (Villeurbanne through children’s eyes), until 1 October 2022 at Le Rize. This exhibition looks at young people in Villeurbanne from the early twentieth century to the present day, including activities and a monthly guided tour.
  • ça se trame à Villeurbanne, sur l'histoire du textile villeurbannais, from 17 November 2022 at Le Rize
  • Raymond Depardon, Kamel Daoud, Son oeil dans ma main, Algérie 1961-2019, from 15 October to 26 March 2023 at Pôle Pixel. 
  • Jeune création mondiale de la Biennale d'art contemporain : IAC, and URDLA until 31 December 2022.

Heritage routes

22 Parcours du Patrimoine (heritage routes) offered a chance for local residents and visitors to explore the richness of Villeurbanne’s architectural, natural, memorial, artistic and human heritage, through guided urban walks.

Events and festivals

  • Nuit de la Lecture (Nights of Reading) on 22 January 2022
  • Chaos Danse festival, until 15 April 2022
  • Fête du Livre Jeunesse on 2 and 3 April 2022
  • Reperkusound from 15 to 18 April 2022
  • Festival de Fanfares de Villeurbanne from 16 to 24 April 2022
  • Les 24 heures de l'INSA from 20 to 22 May 2022
  • Le Festival de la Jeunesse from 3 to 5 June 2022 
  • Faîtes de la Musique on 21 June 2022
  • Contemporary Art Biennale from 14 September to 30 December 2022
  • A creation by Royal de Luxe from 23 to 25 September 2022
  • Fête de la Science from 7 to 17 October 2022
  • Un Doua de Jazz festival from 10 to 23 October 2022 
  • Festival international du film court from 18 to 27 November 2022
  • Festival Les Guitares from 18 November to 11 December 2022
  • Festival VilleurVanne on 17 and 18 December 2022 (humour)
  • Vitale, a great closing sound and light show by Les Allumeurs de Rêve from 16 December 2022 to 1 January 2023.

Not to forget the shows, concerts and musical events! 


Isabelle, our editor born and bred in Lyon! She was born in Sainte-Foy-lès-Lyon in fact, studied in Lyon and now lives here. Territorial? Absolutely not! She loves travelling, widening her horizons, meeting new people and enjoys a change of scenery (without snow, if possible). Isabelle is curious and a people person, two attributes that often go hand in hand! Her favourite colour is green and her motto "a day without laughter is a day wasted!" 

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