4 bis rue Jarente - 69002 Lyon 2ème
You can always find something that will please at Rose, this trendy gift shop with a wide selection that includes decorative items, crockery, stationery, accessories, jewellery, toys and more.
There is something for all tastes (with gifts for men, women and children) and all budgets here.
If you’re looking for gift ideas, head for the Ainay neighbourhood, or the second shop on Rue Cuvier, to double your chances of finding the perfect gift!
Rising with a smile on her face in the morning, always curious and enthusiastic to discover new places (and new dishes) in Lyon, Camille is what the specialists refer to as a « compulsive tester ». More partial to savoury than sweet (even though offering her a praluline – a delicious brioche filled with pralines – is a sure-fire way to get in her good books), Camille devotes herself body and soul to testing new food establishments in Lyon. Her radar for new addresses is legendary.
4 bis rue Jarente - 69002 Lyon 2ème
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