Her By Shoez Gallery
10 rue d'Algérie - 69001 Lyon 1er
Tired feet let out a sigh of relief when their owners step through the door of Her By Shoez Gallery (little sister of the original shop, located opposite), which exclusively serves women's feet.
'But why?’ we hear you ask. Because it means cushioning and a comfy ride around town, instead of being squashed inside a pair of high heels.
New Balance, Asics, Nike, Adidas, Arkk, Onze Mètres Carrés: the work that goes into selecting models from each brand is clear. While other shops may stock more models, a real choice is made here. You can also opt for more dressy sports outfits, hand-picked from the Nike and Lacoste Live collections.
Rising with a smile on her face in the morning, always curious and enthusiastic to discover new places (and new dishes) in Lyon, Camille is what the specialists refer to as a « compulsive tester ». More partial to savoury than sweet (even though offering her a praluline – a delicious brioche filled with pralines – is a sure-fire way to get in her good books), Camille devotes herself body and soul to testing new food establishments in Lyon. Her radar for new addresses is legendary.
10 rue d'Algérie - 69001 Lyon 1er
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