The Lyonnais Gang…
The editorial team is indeed a bit like a gang. A group of writers who are passionate about their city and take great advice and top tips very seriously! What to do this weekend? Where to go ? The best eateries? In which quarter? They’re here to share their Lyonnais knowledge. Follow their favourite events in the What's On section or their favourite addresses in our Collector pages!
Julie was not born in Lyon, but she did decide to start her family here! Not that long ago, she would spend most of her evenings out at concerts... Although she has already bought ear defenders for her little 19-month-old boy, so that he can discover the joys of live rock and electronic music (soon!), she is now much more of a morning person as a mother.
Laetitia is a real ray of sunshine. Needless to say, there's no chance of getting bored when working by her side! Whether she's cheerful or glum, she's wont to burst into song, with tunes that tend to stick in your mind all day. Well where's the fun in a non-catchy song?
Isabelle, our editor born and bred in Lyon! She was born in Sainte-Foy-lès-Lyon in fact, studied in Lyon and now lives here. Territorial? Absolutely not! She loves travelling, widening her horizons, meeting new people and enjoys a change of scenery (without snow, if possible). Isabelle is curious and a people person, two attributes that often go hand in hand! Her favourite colour is green and her motto "a day without laughter is a day wasted!"
Rising with a smile on her face in the morning, always curious and enthusiastic to discover new places (and new dishes) in Lyon, Camille is what the specialists refer to as a « compulsive tester ». More partial to savoury than sweet (even though offering her a praluline – a delicious brioche filled with pralines – is a sure-fire way to get in her good books), Camille devotes herself body and soul to testing new food establishments in Lyon. Her radar for new addresses is legendary.
This is Antoine. The only moustache in the office.The fact that he has managed to find a niche in a team exclusively made up of women is proof that he has been good at cultivating the better side of his nature. By that we mean his feminine side…
Eléonore is the romantic member of the team! Rumour has it that she knows her classics better than anyone else, and if you want to strike up a conversation with her, just mention Jane Austen, and you'll be away!
Do you know Saillans? It was in this charming spot - nestled on the banks of the Drôme River - that Marie was born. Starting out in this village, which in the 19th century played its part in the Lyon region’s silk manufacturing boom, Marie’s path has led her step by step (or should that be stitch by stich?) to her current role.
Mélina joined our gang this summer, and we're all delighted!She's from the Vendée on the west coast of France, and her eyes are as blue as the ocean that laps its shores. In fact her kind and mischievous eyes are the first thing you notice about her, and you soon realise that despite her gentle and even quite discrete nature lies a boundless source of energy!